Returns & Replacement
After order is confirmed
No returns / exchanges will be accepted after the order is shipped. Please confirm the details of your order before making the purchase.
Refunds and exchanges for defective or wrong products
We will accept refunds and exchanges for defective or wrong products.
These cases could include when the product ordered is different from the one ordered, the product wouldn't switch on, or the product is broken upon arrival.
However, they should not fall in any of the following circumstances:
- 7 days has passed after reaching the customer
- Customer ordered the wrong product or wrong amount of the product
- After the package has been opened
- Once the product has been used
- Scratches or dirt caused when using product
- Use of product outside suggested use by the manufacturer of the product
Contact us before returning products
Merchandise returns will not be accepted without prior authorization, so please contact us before returning merchandise.
Please write "Product Return" in the subject line.
Please ensure that the product is in its original condition. Returns must also be made within 7 days from the receipt of the product.
Returning wrong item or defective items
In case of returns for wrong item or defective items, we will pay for the cost of return shipping.
Please use a postage service that has tracking, inform WONECT of the tracking code of the postage and its cost.
Please return the product in its original condition. Note that returns must be made within 7 days from the receipt of the product.
Refunds for wrong item or defective items
After returning the wrong item or defective item, if the customer does not want an exchange, then the refund will be arranged once the product has reached Wonect.
The type of refund will correspond to the type of payment used to make purchase.
- Refunds through credit card: WONECT will contact the settlement company to offset, and arrange for the refund. Because different credit card companies have different timings to process refunds, please contact your respective credit card company for details on refund timings.
- Refunds through bank transfer: The amount paid will be credited into your respective bank account.
- Refunds of used points: The used points will be returned to your account.
Related links
- If you are looking for information about shipping and delivery, you can find it here at Shipping & Delivery .
- You may find more information about Returns & Replacement in FAQs .
- Learn more about and the staff here.