NUMBER THREE MurieM Home Hair Milk 120g

In stock: Usually ships in 3 to 4 days
sku: 4985514022518

Product description

A hydrating and nourishing leave-in hair treatment

NUMBER THREE MurieM Home Milk is a leave in treatment in the popular NUMBER THREE MurieM line of hair care products.

This leave-in hair milk adds hydration and softens dry hair with split or separating ends. Massage into hair in the evenings after your bath or shower and the milk will penetrate deeply into the hair as you sleep. In the morning, you’ll find your hair is soft and easy to style.

NUMBER THREE MurieM Home Milk adds moisture and nutrients to the hair, leaving even stiff hair soft, sleek, and volumized.

For best results, use alongside MurieM shampoo and conditioners.

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4.0 2 reviews
Nice scent. Not oily.

Nice scent. Not oily.

Nice scent. Not oily.

Nice scent. Not oily.