FINE JAPAN Hyaluron & Collagen Can 196g

In stock: Usually ships in 3 to 4 days
sku: 4976652006928

Product description

Collagen in condensed milk and hyaluronic acid

FINE JAPAN Hyaluron Collagen is formulated with 150 mg of hyaluronic acid per 7g. In addition, collagen, elastin, are blended to work in collaboration with the hyaluronic acid.


Take 7g (1 spoon scoop) a day.  Enjoy it in your favorite drink.


Fish collagen peptide, condensed milk powder, pearl barley extract, elastin peptides, coenzyme Q10 (reduced form), dextrin, trehalose, hyaluronic acid, V.C, flavors, sweeteners (sucralose), milk part of the biotin (raw materials, including soy).

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5.0 1 reviews
Fine Japan Hyaluron Collagen

Has ordered the Fine Japan Hyaluron Collagen on Feb the price is quite cheap compare now. Ever tried this product the texture was quite good