There are many ways you can earn points on Wonect! Collect them, and use as discounts to purchase your favourite Japanese product.

New Members

500 points for joining as new member

200 points gift for first purchase

300 points gift for second purchase

Buy/Spend Rate
1 point earned per Spend 100 points for
Singapore SGD1 spent SGD1 discount
Malaysia MYR3 spent MYR3 discount
USA USD1 spent USD1 discount
Australia AUD1 spent AUD1 discount
New Zealand NZD1 spent NZD1 discount
Indonesia INR9,358 spent INR9,358 discount
Hong Kong HKD6 spent HKD6 discount

x5 Points Day on 5th, 15th and 25th of every month!

x2 Review Points 17th to 23rd of every month!


10 Points per product review (max 50 points per day)

Social Media

5 Points per Facebook Share, Pinterest Pin and Twitter Tweet (max 25 points for each, per day)