WAKAMOTO Strong Wakamoto Stomach Medicine 1000 tablets

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sku: 4987243114014

Product description

Relieve stomach bloating, constipation, and get a nutritional boost

Wakamoto Strong is a supplement created from naturally-derived ingredients -- dried yeast, cultured Lactobacilli, and digestive enzymes -- to relieve any gastrointestinal problems.

Taking Wakamoto Strong aids digestion, regulates intestional function, and provides a nutritional supplement. These supplements also include bacterial cultures to help an upset stomach caused by poor digestion or loss of appetite.

Cultured Lactobacillus powder inhibits intestinal fungi which can cause bloating, and also regulates gastrointestinal function.

Strong Wakamoto promotes bowel movements, softening the stool and relieving constipation.

Finally, Strong Wakamoto is abundant in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, giving you a nutritional boost that helps with fatigue and overall health!

Safe for children above 5 years old and above and the elderly.

How to use

Not safe for children under 5 years old.

Ages 5-7: Take 3 tablets 3 times a day.
Ages 8-10: Take 5 tablets 3 times a day.
Ages 11-14: Take 6 tablets 3 times a day.
Ages 15 and up: Take 9 tablets 3 times a day.

Drink with regular or warm water within 30 minutes after a meal.

Ingredients in Strong Wakamoto

In 27 tablets (1 day's worth for an adult)

Aspergillus oryzae NK (digestive enzyme-producing strain) pulverized bacteria culture (including wheat) - 3375.0mg
Lactobacillus microbes - 675.0mg
Dried yeast (beer yeast) - 2490.1mg
Thiamin nitrate (vitamin B1) - 3.4mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 2.0mg
Nicotinamide - 2.0mg
* Contains additive precipitated calcium carbonate.

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4.7 3 reviews
Good product & delivery

helps in digestion and price is affordable too

Good product & delivery

helps in digestion and price is affordable too


Good for stomach digestion problem