SHISEIDO The Collagen Powder 126g

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sku: 4987415993478

Product description

Your daily beauty starts with SHISEIDO The Collagen powder!

This Japanese collagen is made with 6 kinds of beauty-supporting ingredients -- including patented ingredients -- for you to drink down every day! The powder contains no strong flavor or scent. Because it's in a powder form, you can easily dissolve it in a drink to drink it without worries. It also contains no fat. 

Shiseido's original patented beauty components of lingonberry (the superfruit from Scandinavia) + amla fruit bring out your beauty from the inside. Also blended to provide beauty support: low molecular-weight fish collagen, hyaluronic acid, ceramide, and vitamin C.

How to Consume SHISEIDO The Collagen:

Take one spoonful (6g) per day. Drink with water or dissolve in another beverage.

Nutritional Information (per 6g serving):

Energy - 21kcal
Protein - 5.2g
Fat - 0g
Carbohydrates - 0.042g
Sodium - 3-50mg
Vitamin C - 50mg
Collagen - 5,000mg
Hyaluronic acid - 1mg
Ceramide - 600µg


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